◆文:海野恵一(元アクセンチュア 代表取締役)








全文は、著書『How to explain Comfort Woman for the Japanese Imperial army at WWll』を読めば海外の人に、慰安婦の問題を網羅的に解説することができる。




Japanese Occupation in Korea
















Korea under Japanese rule began with the end of the Joseon dynastic monarchy in Korea in 1910 and ended at the conclusion of World War II in 1945. Japanese rule of Korea was the outcome of a process that began with the Japan–Korea Treaty of 1876, whereby a complex coalition of Meiji government, military, and business officials sought to integrate Korea both politically and economically into the Empire of Japan. A major stepping-stone towards Japanese occupation of Korea was the Japan–Korea Treaty of 1905, in which the then-Empire of Korea was declared a protectorate (保護国) of Japan. The annexation of Korea by Japan was set up in the Japan–Korea Treaty of 1910, which was never actually signed by the Korean regent (摂政), Gojong (高宗 朝鮮王).


Imperial Japanese rule over Korea ended in 1945, when American and Soviet forces captured the peninsula. In 1965 the unequal treaties between Joseon-ruled Korea and Imperial Japan, especially those of 1905 and 1910, were declared “already null and void (無効な)” at the time of their promulgation (公布) (i.e. “dead on arrival”, implicitly (無条件に) a declaration of their illegality) by the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and South Korea.




Japanese administration of the Korean Peninsula was directed through the General Government (朝鮮総督府). After the Japanese withdrawal from the Korean Peninsula followed by the Japanese surrender to Allied forces at the end of the Second World War, Korea returned to self-government, albeit (だけれども) under two separate governments and economic systems backed (in the north) by the USSR and (in the south) by the United States.


The industrialization of the Korean Peninsula began with the Joseon dynasty (in particular with King, and later Emperor, Gojong) while Korea was still independent, but accelerated under Japanese occupation. It continues to be the subject of controversy (論争) between the two Koreas and Japan. The manner of the acceleration of industrialization under Japanese occupation, especially utilization of industrialization only for the purposes of benefiting Japan, the exploitation (搾取) of the Korean people in their own country, the marginalization (主流からはずすこと) of Korean history and culture, the environmental exploitation of the Korean Peninsula, and its long-term negative repercussions (悪影響) for modern-day North and South Korea are among the most provocative (物議をかもす) aspects of the controversy.




Pre-World War II (1910–41)

Japanese migration and land ownership

From around the time of the First Sino-Japanese War, Japanese merchants had been settling in towns and cities in Korea seeking economic opportunity. By 1910, the number of Japanese settlers in Korea reached over 170,000, creating the largest overseas Japanese community in the world at the time. The Japanese leadership’s conviction (自信) that their country was overcrowded – especially in rural areas – led to encouraging farmers to emigrate.




Many Japanese settlers were interested in acquiring agricultural land in Korea even before Japanese land ownership was officially legalized in 1906. Governor-General Terauchi Masatake facilitated settlement through land reform, which initially proved (であることをはっきり示す) popular with most of the Korean population. The Korean land ownership system was a system of absentee landlords (不在地主), only partial owner-tenants (借地人) and cultivators (農民) with traditional (but no legal proof of) ownership. Terauchi’s new Land Survey Bureau conducted cadastral surveys (地籍調査) that reestablished ownership by basis of written proof (deeds (不動産の譲渡証書), titles, and similar documents). Ownership was denied to those who could not provide such written documentation; these turned out to be mostly high-class and impartial (公平な) owners who had only traditional verbal(言葉の上だけの) cultivator rights. Japanese landlords included both individuals and corporations such as the Oriental Development Company. Many former Korean landowners, as well as agricultural workers, became tenant farmers, having lost their entitlements (権利) almost overnight.








By 1910, an estimated 7 to 8% of all arable land was under Japanese control. This ratio increased steadily; during the years 1916, 1920, and 1932, the ratio of Japanese land ownership increased from 36.8 to 39.8 to 52.7%. The level of tenancy (借地権) was similar to that of farmers in Japan itself; however, in Korea, the landowners were mostly Japanese, while the tenants were all Koreans. As was often the case in Japan itself, tenants were forced to pay over half their crop as rent, forcing many to send wives and daughters into factories or prostitution so they could pay taxes.




Ironically, by the 1930s, the growth of the urban economy and the exodus of farmers to the cities had gradually weakened the hold of the landlords (地主). With the growth of the wartime economy, the government recognized landlordism as an impediment (障害) to increased agricultural productivity, and took steps to increase control over the rural sector through the formation of the Central Agricultural Association, a compulsory (強制的な) organization under the wartime command economy.




Korean independence movement

Upon Emperor Gojong’s death, anti-Japanese rallies took place nationwide, most notably the March 1st Movement of 1919. A declaration of independence was read in Seoul. It is estimated that 2 million people took part in these rallies. The Japanese violently suppressed the protests: According to Korean records, 46,948 were arrested, 7,509 killed and 15,961 wounded; according to Japanese figures, 8,437 were arrested, 553 killed and 1,409 wounded. About 7,000 people were killed by Japanese police and soldiers during the 12 months of demonstrations.




After suppression of the uprising, some aspects of Japanese rule considered most objectionable (好ましくない) to Koreans were removed. The military police were replaced by a civilian force, and freedom of the press was permitted to a limited extent. Two of the three major Korean daily newspapers, the Dong-a Ilbo and the Chosun Ilbo, were established in 1920.




Objection to Japanese rule over Korea continued, and the March 1st Movement was a catalyst for the establishment of the Provisional Government (暫定政府) of the Republic of Korea by Korean émigrés (亡命者) in Shanghai on 13 April 1919. The modern South Korean government considers this Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea the de jure (正当な) representation of the Korean people throughout the period of Japanese rule.




The Japanese occupation of Korea after annexation was largely uncontested (反対者のいない) militarily by the smaller, poorly armed, and poorly trained Korean army. Many former soldiers and other volunteers left the Korean peninsula for Manchuria and Primorsky Krai in Russia. Koreans in Manchuria formed resistance groups known as Dongnipgun (Liberation Army), which traveled across the Korean-Chinese border, using guerrilla warfare tactics against Japanese forces. The Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1932 and subsequent Pacification (講和条約) of Manchukuo deprived (奪う) many of these groups of their bases of operation and supplies. Many were forced to either flee to China, or to join the Red Army-backed forces in eastern Russia. One of the guerrilla groups was led by the future leader of communist North Korea, Kim Il-sung, in Japanese controlled Manchuria. Kim Il-Sung’s time as a guerrilla leader was formative (形成の) upon his political ideology once he came to power.




Within Korea itself, anti-Japanese rallies continued on occasion (時々). Most notably, the Gwangju Students Anti-Japanese Movement on 3 November 1929 led to the strengthening of Japanese military rule in 1931, after which freedom of the press and freedom of expression were curbed. Many witnesses, including Catholic priests, reported that Japanese authorities dealt with insurgency (暴動) severely. When villagers were suspected of hiding rebels, entire village populations are said to have been herded (集める) into public buildings (especially churches) and massacred when the buildings were set on fire. In the village of Jeam-ni, Hwaseong, for example, a group of 29 people were gathered inside a church which was then set afire. Such events deepened the hostility of many Korean civilians towards the Japanese government.




On 10 December 1941, the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, under the presidency of Kim Gu, declared war on Japan in Chongqing in china evacuation destination (疎開地). The Korean Provisional Government organized Korean resistance groups “Korean Liberation Army”. However, they only fought against Japan under the National Revolutionary Army (中華民国の国民革命軍). Afterwards, they became leaders of South Korea. On the other hand, Kim Il-sung led tens of thousands of Koreans volunteered for the National Revolutionary Army and the People’s Liberation Army. The communist-backed Korean Volunteer Army (KVA,朝鮮義勇軍) was established in Yenan, China, outside of the Provisional Government’s control, from a core of 1,000 deserters (脱走兵) from the Imperial Japanese Army. After the Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation, the KVA entered Manchuria, where it recruited from the ethnic Korean population and eventually became the Korean People’s Army of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.









(YouTube Video)

How Japan Took Over Korea 1910-1945 Taft-Katsura Agreement 2015/12/18




Korea’s March 1st ‘Samil’ Movement hits 97th anniversary 2016/03/01




How to explain Comfort Woman for the Japanese Imperial army at WWll: 大東亜戦争における慰安婦問題に日本人は英語でどう答えるのか?




※本コラムは『How to explain Comfort Woman for the Japanese Imperial army at WWll: 大東亜戦争における慰安婦問題に日本人は英語でどう答えるのか?』を基に再構成されたものです。

オビ コラム



2001年 アクセンチュア 代表取締役

2004年 スウィングバイ株式会社 代表取締役社長

2004年 天津日中大学院 理事

2007年 大連市星海友誼賞



『これからの対中国ビジネス』 日中出版

『2020年、日本はアジアのリーダーになれるか』 ファーストプレス

『日本企業はアジアのリーダーになれるのか』 ファーストプレス




『Major Controversial Issues at WWll』 (英語) 同上 (5月出版) 他多数




